Welcome to the Sacred Creativity Collective home planet luminous ones!
This is where you’ll find everything about our monthly gatherings including dates, ZOOM links, changing themes and questions, recordings, resources and monthly audio practices. I can’t wait to dream up this space with you and create a launchpad for our wildest creative dreams. ! 🌙🐚🏹✨
✨If you’ve just joined us, you might like to start here:
The Sacred Creativity Collective
✨If you’re looking for some mystical musical vibes to accompany you on your journey, I invite you to drop in and listen to the Sacred Creativity Collective Soundtrack on Spotify. Requests are always welcome!
Are you ready to harness and amplify your intuition in service of sacred creativity and collective liberation? Let’s go!
I am beyond excited to be visioning, co-creating, un/learning, conspiring and making magic and mayhem with you!
Why align with the moon?
The moon is universal and accessible to all of us regardless of where we are. All we have to do is look up to the night sky to reconnect with the greater turning. She provides a steady rhythm that our body and intuition already know and understand as well as providing the perfect framework for exploring other cycles and practices as portals to our inner knowing and the wisdom of the greater web of life.
Our monthly gatherings take place once a month on the Monday closest to the new moon because new moons are potent for sowing seeds and setting intentions.🌑✨🙏🔮 Through ritual, guiding questions and practices, together we’ll create a sacred container for creativity, connection, visioning, sharing and intention setting.
Meeting dates for 2025
We will meet online 12 times during 2025 (11 monthly new moon gatherings and one mid year full moon retreat) with a special guest or two to be announced soon.
You can check the meeting time and date for where you are HERE.
Monday 24 February 6-7am AEST - 🌑 in Pisces
Monday 24 March 6-7am AEST - Super 🌑 Eclipse in Aries
Monday 28 April 6-7am AEST - Super 🌑 in Taurus
Monday 26 May 6-7am AEST - 🌑 in Gemini
Monday 23 June 6-7am AEST - 🌑 in Cancer
Monday 28 July 6-7am AEST - 🌑 in Leo
Monday 25 August 6-7am AEST - 🌑 in Virgo
Monday 8 September 6-7am AEST - 🌕 eclipse in Pisces release retreat
Monday 22 September 6-7am AEST - 🌑 eclipse in Virgo
Monday 20 October 6-7am AEST - 🌑 in Libra
Monday 17 November 6-7am AEST - 🌑 in Scorpio
Monday 15 December 6-7am AEST - 🌑 in Sagittarius reflection retreat
How to join our online gatherings
We gather online and orbit together for an hour using ZOOM. You can find the link and passcode for each month’s gathering below in the monthly moon hub. I’ll also send out a reminder and ZOOM invitation by email the Friday before our meetings.
Make sure to add amandacooke@substack.com to your email address book, check your spam and promotions folders then mark as safe and drag and drop into your Primary folder.
If you’re having trouble, you can always reach me via the Appetite for Living founding members Substack Chat or by replying to the monthly meeting email.
We’ll also use the Chat to connect in between meetings for weekly check ins, prompts and sharing where we’re at with our projects.
Make sure to also keep an eye out for your monthly audio creative or contemplative practice which will land in your email inbox the Friday following our Monday gathering.